so this got brought up in conversation with one of my friends the other day. i was bitching because it had been about two weeks since i had got any (which has now been remedied). this got us talking about how long our longest dry spell had been. sadly for him, his number was in the measurement of years. for me, it's 4 1/2 months. and that just about killed me. this leads me to conclude that i could never be a sex camel.* this also got me thinking about other topics. how long is too long to go without it? is there such thing as too much? and why don't guys realize that we are lying when we say size doesn't matter? well, i'm going to attempt at giving my own opinions on this. if you're feeling brave, leave your answers in the comments.
how long is too long to go without it?
honestly, more than a week is too long for me. i start to get really edgy then. the hormones start messing with my focus as well. so these past two weeks were a little rough for me. the 4 1/2 month period i mention earlier was just awful. i swear i felt border line non functional because i just kept thinking about it. i truly think that guys are able to handle long periods of inactivity way better than girls can. this is based on the personal experience of myself and my friends. if you don't believe me, ask a group of guys and a group of girls how long they can go with out it. the results might surprise you. the only reason it's easier for girls is because our pants don't announce to the world when we're feeling a little randy. and when it comes right down to it, i would rather have constant meh sex than no sex at all.
is there such thing as too much?
not really. if it was up to me, i would have it twice a day every day (with the exception of a few days each month). it doesn't have to be a long, drawn out, romantic session every time, but it also can't always be a quickie. but it's the best way to wake up in the morning, and the best way to fall asleep at night, so why not do it both times? it might take a little bit of stamina training to get the guy to be able to do this, but the practice is the fun part.
does size matter?
hell yes it does. every girl has a minimum length that she enjoys, and never under estimate the power of width. any girl who tells you it doesn't matter is just lying because you're smaller than she likes, but she likes you enough to not hurt your feelings.
*it's a scrubs reference. look it up if you're brave. just don't type in sex camel in the search bar. trust me on this one.
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