Friday, January 7, 2011

sick day

so i went to work for two hours today and then left on a sick day.  i had woken up this morning with one of those headaches/stomachaches where you have the sensation that you are hung over even though you were sober the night before.  which is always the worst.  i feel like i'm paying the price for the fun someone else got to have.  after a cereal bar, a bottle of water, and 1,000 mg of tylenol didn't improve anything, i figured i was done for the day.  i'm pretty much going to just sleep it off.  probably going to have some rice in a bit and just take it easy.  i know it's not from actually being ill, so i should be doing better by tomorrow at the latest.  it's a lovely combination of being an insomniac and not getting sleep with a health dose of stress thrown in for good measure.  part of it is stress from work and money.  the other part is because the drama llama decided to show up again and has just made this a really rough week.  so i'm off to continue my nap, and probably kill things on WoW later, which is like the best stress relief ever.  makes me really miss my pvp server when i would take my max level into the newbie zones and just one shot everyone down for shits and giggles.  or at least until they all got pissed enough to get on the mains and take me out.  ahhh, the good old days.

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