so i went to hookah last night and a painting i saw there has inspired my next photo project. it was simple, but i really liked it. it was what i think was oil on canvas, and it was just a pair of converse high tops hung over a telephone line. but seeing how i have a great love of converse shoes, i decided i want to do my own converse project. pretty much i'm going to be traveling around with my high tops and taking pictures of them in places where you wouldn't expect to find shoes. it sounds a little weird when i put it that way, but i have some really cool ideas for it floating around in my head. and i might do some black and white shots with the pink chuck taylors as well and just have the shoes colored in. hell, i'll probably do some black and white shots of the high tops. i took black and white pictures of my black and white cat, so why not my black and white shoes? i'm still trying to figure out where i want to go for this. i have a few ideas; maybe back to the pier, maybe some back ally ways down town, maybe the mini oak tree park. i'm actually really digging on that last one. if anyone has any other places to suggest, let me know. a lot of it will probably depend on how i feel that day, but i'm open to various options and going to more than one place. weather really won't be too much of an issue, since i think a little rain might add to the effect i'm going for. and for some reason i'm really looking forward to the spread. probably because it's a little more on the artistic interpretation side than any of my other weekend projects have been. yay for being artsy!
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