so i finally got this photo shoot done today. i've been wanting to do it for a while, but had to mentally prepare for it. you see, cemeteries kinda creep me out. none of my close family members are in one, and i've only gone to one funeral that was in one. so i don't really have a lot of experience in dealing with them. but we have this one in town that has some really old and pretty eccentric grave markers. like one family is literally buried under a pyramid. and i knew i could get some really, really cool pictures if i could overcome the creepy feelings. watching all those ghost hunter type shows on tv really didn't help with this. but, just like i did when i went to the pier that had shark sightings to get good pictures, i did the same thing here. and based on the shots i got, i think it was totally worth it. as always, they are posted on the
facebook page.
so here's a little run down of my graveyard experience today. first off, i want to be very respectful about it all. i really didn't want to actually walk on anyone's grave. but once i got there, i realized this would be all but impossible. like i mentioned before, this is a really old graveyard. some headstones were for civil war soldiers, and others were dated as recently as last year. and because of this, there wasn't a whole lot of organization as to how the graves were placed. some where extremely close to each other. some of them really looked like they were almost on top of each other. some seemed to be off by themselves, but had very old dates so i think the markers around them where either missing or had been destroyed over time. the plots were facing every which direction. so no matter how hard i tried, i ended up walking on a lot of them. and i felt really bad about it. most of the graves were very well taken care of, but there was a section that seemed to almost be totally forgotten. most of them were over one hundred years old, but some were dated within the last thirty years. i almost stepped on a few markers because the grass was so overgrown. that creeped me out too.
while i didn't see any ghost, i did see some strange activity. the oddest event of the day had actually very little to do with the graveyard other than it took place next to it. there were two hippies that had parked their van along the side street near where i had parked my car. the one sitting outside looked super paranoid, so i took a bit of a round about way to get into the cemetery to avoid walking by them. when i was making my way back to my car, i figured out why he was so paranoid. i could smell the weed from about one hundred feet away (hippies getting high, big surprise i know.) and as i got closer to my car, a woman got out of the van, adjusted her top, and just walked away. so yeah, weed and hookers next to dead people. and here i was worried i might be doing something disrespectful.
oh, and in case you are wondering, the title is a line from the song "dead heats" by the stars and is from their album called "five ghosts." it's literally a song about ghosts. i felt it appropriate.
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