i don't know why, but my body is rebeling against me. first it was the random bouts of nausea. those have mostly gone away, but still creep up on me sometimes. and no, i'm not pregnant. there are plenty of other things that can cause nausea other than pregnancy. but that's a whole different can of worms, so moving on now. there is my general on going issues with my shoulders. lately they have been really bad and making it really hard to sleep. if i lay on one side for too long, something in that shoulder pinches and causes my whole arm to fall asleep. not fun. so i'm constantly turning over and switching sides throughout the night. and i think the lack of sleep is only exacerbating the problem. and for whatever reason my lower back keeps tightening up on me. i think i'm in need of a really good back massage (hint-ity hint hint hint). and to top it all off, i have either broken or sprained my second toe on my right foot. i may or may not have tripped going up a step yesterday when my flip flop jammed on it. and this may or may not have caused me to majorly stub my toe. only thing that's really weird is that it didn't hurt at all yesterday past the initial ouch. and then when i woke up this morning it was crazy swollen and sore. i'm leaning towards a sprain since i can kinda sorta still move it. either way i figure it's pointless going to the doctor since there really isn't much they can do for it anyway. i'm just hoping it's better by thursday. i already missed dance last week due to a pulled muscle in my leg. really not wanting to miss it two weeks in a row. stupid toe.
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