well i get that all the when i'm on my computer. i just know that some where, someone is staring at me. and it's not because i'm paranoid. and i'm not imagining things. and i'm not crazy (well, not the bad kind at least). it's because i know for sure that i'm always being watched. and what makes me so certain? two words: photographic evidence. yep, i was able to capture the culprit on film.
she was attempting to stalk me by "hiding" behind my monitor. she probably could have done this by crouching behind my monitor while on my desk, where it would have actually covered most of her body. but she chose to crouch on the little ledge behind my monitor that lifts here up to be almost level with it. and people wonder why i call her fail ninja.
another thing that is not ninja? trying the whole hiding in plain sight thing and trying to steal stuff when i'm looking right at her. i swear, she's lucky she's cute.