Sunday, June 26, 2011

two doses of bullsh*t for the price of one

the evil toilet
so this has been a week that was literally full of shit.  first on saturday, my damn toilet broke.  just flat out decided that it wasn't going to flush any more, and i have no idea why.  it had been working fine all week, no crazy item ended up inside it, it just decided that it hated me and wasn't going to work anymore.  so i'm plunging away at the damn thing for a good half hour with no progress being made.  i was trying to fix it myself because the maintenance guys at my apartment know far less about home repair than i do, and i only know the basics.  but after working on it for so long, i figured maybe someone else would have better luck.  or at least a better plunger.  but that didn't happen.  the office was closed, so i called the after hours line.  apparently the whole work team for my complex was on a bus somewhere and wouldn't be able to work on my toilet until tomorrow, and since it wasn't at the point of flooding everything they weren't going to call an outside plumber for it either.  when i asked what the hell i was supposed to do without a toilet for twenty four hours, it was suggested that i find another one to use.  yeah, that's practical.  because i always keep a spare toilet in my back pocket.  so i found this to be a very unappealing option.  so i tried plunging again off and on for about another hour and a half with no such luck.  i finally just got fed up and went over home depot.  after being lost for about ten minutes, i finally found someone to show me where the drain snakes were.  i ended up getting a hand crank drain auger for like $9 because there was no way i was going to wait another day to be able to use my own toilet.  luckily i was able to fix the problem after about ten minutes once i had the proper tool.  first dose of bullshit resolved.

the second dose was this morning.  the guy i had recently started talking with sent me a text saying he couldn't come over today and to let him know when i was awake and he would tell me why.  so i give him a call and he tells me that this girl he has know for a long time admitted to him that she liked him and so now he wants to see where things go with her.  and this is after how just a day ago he was telling me that he felt really comfortable and at ease around me and how he really enjoyed hanging out and blah blah blah.  he also pulled the whole "it's not you, it's me" type deal, which i absolutely hate.  it's beyond cliche and does absolutely nothing to make the other person feel better.  he also did the "let's still be friends" because apparently i'm still really cool to hang out with.  this is more or less like telling someone hey i really like you, but i just like someone else better.  so yeah, that's really not going to happen.  so sadly, another guy gets added to the list of ones who started out nice but either pulled some sort of jerk move on me and/or turned into an ass hole.  i would really love to meet a nice guy who will actually stay nice after the first week or two.  is that really so much to ask for?  but on the plus side, hearing my mom refer to him as being a douche bag on her own accord totally made it worth it.  another reason why i less than three my mom.

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