... who happens to be a bottle of sailor jerry because my boyfriend threw out his stupid back and is laying at home all loopy on pain meds. oh, and i know i've made jokes about me beings a pro drinker and all, but the sad part is that it's kinda true. the glass there on the left only has rum in it so far. and that's my "starter drink." which mean i'll end up adding more rum as the night goes on. and considering that the sailor jerry was on sale for only $12 (apparently rite aid is aware that the single people also need some love today), this could be a slightly less shitty night. even through i'm not really overly romantic on valentine's day (hell my gift to my guy is a jameson drinking glass), i do like to spend it with someone. so being stuck at home alone with the cat has kind of put me in a sour mood. at least he's taking me to the zoo this weekend. and due to the fact that i'm a giant kid sometimes, shit like that makes me stupidly happy. but until then, i'm going to be grouchy. to all my single friends, i'll do a shot for you. and just to keep things on the classy side:

skull and cross bones ice cubes. because yes, i am that awesome.
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