Thursday, October 21, 2010

how to make a blood elf, part 2

for part 1, click here

so we're leaving for blizzcon today.  and in honor of that, i wanted to post an update on my costume.  first and most importantly, the ears.  they are finally finished.  i forgot to take pics while i was doing the fine tuning, but it's pretty simple to figure out. first, i cleaned off as much black marker as i could.  windex works really well for this.  after that, i used some more of the liquid latex to build up the ridges a little better.  after that dried and i was happy with the look, i just used scissors to trim the edges and smooth the lines out.  an xacto blade would probably work better for this, so if you have one use that instead.  doesn't matter too much for the extension part, but it helps to be more accurate for the part that actually attaches to your ear.  after all this, just use makeup to color match.  mine aren't exactly the same as my skin tone, but it's as close as i could get without spending a lot of money on costume makeup.  you'll notice in the pic that there's some white stuff on my ear.  this is just excessive adhesive.  it dies clear, but i'm in the process of packing for blizzcon and didn't have time to let it dry before i took the pic.  as a side note to anyone with long hair, you'll notice i have a headband on.  this is not for any fashion reason.  this is because all of your hair will stick to your ear before you have a chance to attach the extension.  trust me on this one.

if you know anything about blood elves, you will know that they have very, very long eyebrows.  there are several ways to do this, depending on the length you want.  since i'm already having to work my hood around my ears, i didn't want to have to worry about too much length on the eyebrows, so i made a creative decision to keep mine a little shorter.  to do this, i got eyelash extensions and glued them to my eyebrows.  since the extensions are jet black, i used an eyebrow pencil to darken my brows so that it blends in better.  you can also see that i'm using a shimmer white liquid eyeshadow.  i really wanted to use costume contacts to get glowing blue eye look of a death knight, but since i wear real contacts and actually want to see what's going on around me, this wasn't really a good option.

use extensions that are for tips only, not full lashes

 this part has more to do with being a death knight than a blood elf, but i figured i would go into some of my costume accessories.  first up is the runeblade.  i actually got extremely lucky with this one.  one $8 costume sword and a neon blue paint pen later, i was set.  and the sword that i got already had runes on the blade part, so i'll i had to do was paint.  i also picked up a few stryofoam skulls at the halloween store.  one is going on the black cord that i'm using for a belt, the other is going on the chain that holds my cloak on.  i used the same paint pen that i used on the blade to fill in the sockets on the skulls to give them the same glowing blue effect.  i was planning on getting some leather strips to tie around my upper arms, but that ended up being a little more expensive than i wanted.  i found that thick black ribbon has the same effect i was going for.  i'm also going to be wearing black leather bracers that i already had, and using a black leather pouch in place of a purse.

i'll post pics of the finished costume when i get home on sunday, along with a ton of other pics through out next week.  until then, i'm off to blizzcon bitches!

1 comment:

  1. Nice might have a go at this when i get home, but if you like blood elfs you should check out this blood elf only guild.

    Covenant of the Sindorei on Draenor EU
