Friday, January 13, 2012

plan two

so plan one for taking over the world involved slowly and methodically infecting everyone with my cooties and then finding a way to make said cooties turn on everyone and force them to do pretty much anything i said.  so far, that's not working out so great.  so i came up with plan two.  which, very simply put, is boobs.  more specifically, my boobs.  because lately, they've been looking pretty damn awesome.  and so far they have got me way more things than cooties ever did.  like cheap and/or free drinks, faster service from bartenders, free things in WoW, the interest of guys i want to take home with me, the interest of girls who i might take home with me if i have about three more drinks, and so on and so fourth. over all, i think boobs will be a much more effect way of becoming supreme world leader.  and it allows me the opportunity to have accomplices.  i may be the only one who has my cooties, but way more people out there have boobs.  this is turning out to be a way better plan than the cooties one.  now if only i can find a way to make this work on gay guys. 

oh and i call that my "free drink shirt."  think you can figure out why?

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