Thursday, February 17, 2011

more sexy rumpus!

so i realized too late that my last post was my sixty ninth post.  i feel that more sexy rumpus should have been discussed in honor of that (and yes, that is now my new favorite phrase).  so i'm making up for it today.  i alluded to this topic in the last post, and i feel it might be a good idea to fully explain my feelings on it.  today we're talking about causal sex.  i think a lot of people get the wrong impression when i say i'm ok with it.  first i want to say that being comfortable enough with yourself to have sex without loving the person does not make you a skank.  sleeping with anything that moves makes you a skank.  if you have your own set of standards, are emotionally stable enough to handle this type of engagement, and can trust the other person enough to a) not give you a disease b) not get overly clingy and c) realize that you are using them for sex and be ok with it, then go for it.  i think sex is a totally natural human experience.  while it is better when love is a part of it, there is also something very thrilling just to be having sex for the sake of having sex.

for those of you who know me personally, none of the above should come as a shock to you.  for those of you who just know me from the interwebs, i am very open about that fact that i have a fuck buddy.  but i am going to respect his privacy, so i'm not giving him a name here (if i've ever made a reference to "my guy," i'm talking about him).  admittedly, the fucking part did come first, which ended up creating the friends part.  wasn't really something i was planning on, but i'm have no problem with how it turned out either.  for various reasons, we both found it best to not be in an traditional boyfriend/girlfriend style relationship.  but we both understand that physical needs of single people need to be met just as much as the physical needs of attached couples, so we might as well have some fun until one of us finds a real relationship or moves to a new state.  

now keep in mind that i am not promoting stupid casual sex.  i'm promoting having fun, not being a dumb ass.  taking new people home when one or both of you is drunk is never a good idea because there is just too much room for error in those situations.   and it is never, never, never ok to cheat on someone or knowingly help someone else to cheat.  also, just use common sense.  be safe about it.  don't end up with any love babies or medical conditions that you don't want to explain to your parents.

and because i have a feeling that alex will tell me there was not enough sexy rumpus mentioned in this post, i have this little word of advice for any of the girls who have ever thought about getting their nipples pierced: do it!  do it now.  stop reading this and go get it done.  the stories are true, it makes a huge difference.  probably the best $50 i've spent in a long time. 

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