Tuesday, May 24, 2011

if i don't get a ticket tomorrow, i might just cry

ok so it's that most magical time of year again when blizzcon tickets go on sale.  and there are only two days that they are on sale for.  and if you don't get a ticket then, you're fucked.  because after that the only way to go is to get a ticket on e-bay for the low, low price of your first born child.  the first sale day was last saturday.  i made an executive decision that going to an interview for what would literally be my dream job was worth forfeiting my first chance at a ticket.   so now i only have one shot left and that's tomorrow night.  and i'm a little nervous.  the tickets sell out within about thirty minutes of going on sale, so if i don't have a low number in the virtual line then i'm pretty much just shit out of luck.  if i can't go, my only consolation will be that i sacrificed blizzcon for the perfect job.  if i get tickets tomorrow and don't get the job, at least i won't regret missing a ticket sale day.  and if i get the job and no ticket, well at least i know i made a good career move.  and if i don't get tickets or the job, well i'll probably cry myself to sleep and drink heavily for about two weeks.  at least i'm a nice drunk. 

p.s. there is this guy who i know from online who has a profile pic of my worst nightmare.  the end.  you're welcome nate.

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