me and my crazy hair |
so i went on a
photo excursion today, and i had two songs that i think would fit well for my little adventure's sound tack. mostly because they kept replaying in my head. one was "the edge of glory" by lady gaga. this was because i quite literally was on the edge. the trail i took was for the bluffs, and there were several danger signs posted along the way, warning about getting too close. the other was "hair," also by lady gaga. this was because it was crazy freakin' windy out and i spent most of the time looking like a troll doll.
pretty obvious if you ask me |
the original plan was to go down and take pictures of the tide pools. sadly, that didn't happen. the tide pools were closed off due to safety concerns. the aforementioned wind was causing some pretty intense waves, making the whole tide pool become a giant trap for rip tide pulling you out to man eating sharks. or you know, something similar. which i can understand. and the trail was still pretty and had lots of places to take pictures, so it wasn't a total loss. the thing i take issue with is that it's about a mile hike down to the tide pools. and rather than post something at the trail head warning potential beach goers of that area being closed, they posted something at the stairs that lead down to the beach. all the way at the end of the trail. oh well, at least it was good exercise.
scenic, pretty shot |
now see, i respected the signs warning of the safety hazard of the tide pools. i really did not feel like chancing death today. i've done that once before and won, so i don't really want to press my luck. apparently, not every one felt the same way. there was a couple out having a picnic on one of the rocks. a group of three collage students just walked around the barricade. these all seemed like fine contenders for the darwin awards. but then some lady brought her kids down there. and honestly, this pisses me off like no other. it's one thing if you want to be stupid with your own life. i'm not going to argue if you want to take you stupid dna out of the gene pool. but when people put their children and/or pets into a potentially dangerous situation, on purpose, that gets me going. it's not the kids fault that it has stupid parents, and it's not the dog's fault it has a stupid owner. the animal/child should not have to suffer for the stupidity of the owner/parents. i can kinda see why people think you should have to pass a test to own animal or procreate.

did i mention that i did this whole hike in flip flops | ? yeah, that's how i roll |
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