Wednesday, September 28, 2011

behold! the awesomeness that is my artwork

so way back when in college, melanie and i took freshman math together.  melanie recently unearthed a rare and precious artifact from that time.  basically, the teacher bored us to tears.  in order to stay awake we decided to do it up high school style and play a MASH game.  i honestly only remember who one of the guys was on it, and most of the other stuff is just totally random.   like she was a vet and he was a lawyer and the lived in a shack with twenty two kids.  this was the end result of the that game:

i decided that there was way too much randomness going on there and things needed to be taken one step further.  i also may have just been ridiculously bored.  either way, i determined that it needed to be illustrated.

i also figured that parts of it needed explaining.  like they live in a shack and have their truck on blocks even though they make good money because they need to feed twenty two children.  their last name is hyphenated three times just because (but i blacked it our here for privacy).  melanie had a shoulder problem at the time, so her stick figure likeness has a sling as well.  so does her only daughter because she takes after her mom.  the guy has little questions marks above his head because he was kinda clueless, and the one son matches him.  the rest of the sons are named billy something.  one is also part goat just because.  he eats paper and grass so they don't need to feed him.  and the horse is named bo diddly because it's awesome.  and because bo diddly is awesome, i later decided an english class that he needed to go to a horse show.  this was a lot harder to pull off than the first one, mostly because of class size.  there were about four hundred in our math class, so it wasn't like the professor would notice.  there were about twenty in english class, and we had to both keep stifling giggles.  at one point the teacher asked us what was so funny.  this is why we were laughing:


melanie is riding her horse with her sling.  i'm on my horse who likes to pretend he is still a race horse.  you can tell this from the "action lines."  some stupid little kid on a pony wins the class because that seriously always happens in real life.  the jumps are the most random sizes i could think of.  the confused kid who takes after the dad is actually being used as part of a jump because he wandered onto the course.  half of the rest of the kids are melanie's cheering section.  the other half (plus two neighbor kids that they hired to help*) are pulling the horse trailer because the truck is on blocks. 

so yeah, this is the kind of stuff i do when i get bored.  kind of a little insight into how my mind works here.  oh and i do take requests.  i will illustrate al la stick figures almost anything.  so if something would just tickle your fancy to see it in stick figure form, let me know in the comments below and i'll see if i can't make your stick figure dreams come true.

* or that i accidentally draw two extra kids and needed an excuse to cover up that fact

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