Saturday, November 19, 2011

bath time!

so the fail ninja was feeling pretty grungy lately.  i have no idea why because she's a totally indoor cat.  but some how she went and got herself all dirty feeling.  and since she sleeps with me, i kinda wasn't too keen on that.  so today was bath day.  and while she is actually very tolerant of water due to the fact that i bathed her a lot when she was a kitten, she still doesn't enjoy it.  and since it's the only time she's allowed to go in the bathroom, she pretty much knows what's up as soon as the door closes.  she tried to hide behind the toilet, but considering how insanely small the bathroom is, that didn't work too well for her.  the bath prevailed, and we both survived without injury.  my drain, not so much.  it is clogged with cat hair now and i need to go buy some draino or something.  but at least the cat is clean.  and avoiding me.  oh well.  she'll get over it in about four hours when it's dinner time.  then i'll be her best friend again. 

pretty sure she's trying to flip me off

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