Thursday, January 6, 2011

because alex told me to

so i was having major writers block last night, and then blogger crashed and i could upload anyway so it turns out i spent twenty minutes trying to come up with an idea for no reason.  anyway, part of my creative process was bothering anyone who happened to be on line until they gave me something i could write about.  and alex told me that i haven't talked about sex in a while*, so here it goes. today's topic:


look, if i have to go through all the trouble of shaving my underarms, my legs, and other areas, i think the guy should put forth some effort as well.  personally, i don't want my guy to look or feel like a bear skin rug.  a happy trail is sexy.  a shag carpet that i feel the need to take sheering blades to is not.  same goes for the back.  *shudders*  nothing grosses me out more than excessive back hair.  please, please, please shave or wax it off.  hell, i'll even do it for you.  if i can body clip a horse, i can damn sure body clip a guy.

also, you cannot expect me to keep the nether region smooth if you won't do the same.  ok, that's not totally true but i will complain about it.  and while bald is beautiful in that sense, i don't except a full strip down.  i know how hard that can be (no pun intended).  but at least trim it up some.  no part on your body should ever have more hair than the top of your head does (and i mean the big head).  not only does it look twenty times better, a lot of guys i've talked to say that they think they look bigger when things are nice and tidy.  and trust me, the ladies will appreciate it.  no one wants to explain how that hair got stuck between their teeth.

* this was much better than his other ideas, which were about obama, a 9-11 conspiracy involving the towers being filled with gold, and some other crazy things he caled "genus"**

**genus: a biology term used to classify living organisms
    genius: the word he really wanted to use

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