Sunday, January 30, 2011

so i dyed my hair blond

so i have this tendency to get really bored with my hair color.  i've kinda slowed down on changing it up lately because i was changing color about three times a year for several years.  there was one point where i dated this guy for a little over two years and he never saw my natural hair color.  and my hair got pretty fried from all that.  but i figure its been about seven months now since i did anything with it, so tonight was as good a time as any.   and while the title is true, that was not the end result.  since my hair is so dark naturally, i have to dye it blond and then use the actual color that i wanted just so it shows up (you see why this destroyed my hair for a while.  that's a shit ton of chemicals right there.  i'm surprised i don't have ammonia toxicity or something).  so i was a blond for about an hour tonight.  and no, i did not have more fun.  and i do not look good as a blond, so no, there are no pictures so don't even ask.  the end result was me becoming a redhead.

and i feel i need to expalin this picture a little bit.  my cat is sitting on my scale in the hallway because my bathroom is so small that i can't shut the door if i leave it in there.  it's a little blurry because i was taking this myself and i haven't really done any indoor pictures lately and didn't know what setting to use.  the purple thing on the  right on the floor is a cat toy.  there is a book on the floor because i didn't realize it fell off the shelf until i took the picture.  and the thing under the fail ninja on the floor would be pants and socks.  hey, i live alone.  what the fuck do i need to wear pants for?

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