Sunday, January 16, 2011

it's not a seal

so i went out to the harbor today to take pictures of the sea lions.  SEA LIONS.  not seals, sea lions.  it was starting to actually get annoying at how many people kept referring to them as seals.  i can understand the out of state tourist not getting it, but when you live in california, and the animal is called the california sea lion, you really should know what it is.  so just to make sure everyone knows the difference, here's a handy little tip.  if it has ears, it's a sea lion.  if it just has an ear hole, it's a seal.  another way to tell the difference (and this one can be harder depending on the body position of the animal) is that sea lions have front flippers, while seals have more of a paw like appendage and have claws.  another handy tip?  there are no fucking seals where i live.  just sea lions.  i'm pretty sure the only seals the live along the california coast are elephant seals, and those are pretty damn obvious what with the big nose and the ugliness.

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