Friday, November 5, 2010

blowing smoke

 disclaimer: i only smoke tobacco, none of that crazy stuff

there are two things in this world that can make me feel totally relaxed, no matter what else is going on in my life.  one is sex.  the other is hookah.  if you can't guess by the title, this post is about the later*. i get the calming effect of a cigarette, but smell much better after.  and just watching smoke billow and curl has always been hypnotically soothing.  i've always been enthralled by burning incense, and will regularly manipulate the smoke on one if i have it lit. 

last night, i was fortunate enough to be able to go hookah.  alex called me up and informed me that's what we were doing.  i didn't have much choice, but i also had no reason to protest (especially since he paid this round).  we opted for the dragon smoke, since when matt and i had last gone, we had a good experience with that flavor.  it was, unfortunately, a bit too harsh last night, so i was only able to do short blows.  slightly disappointing, since a deep inhale followed by a long, slow exhale is really the best way to do it. the head rush from doing it that way is comparable to the endorphin rush after getting a small piercing.  probably why i enjoy it so much.  same feeling, but no extra holes.  it's another thing i have to pace myself with though, so i don't get addicted and end up with black lung or anything crazy.  i did get a mild head rush last night, but nothing too crazy.  and even though i now know way more about alex than i ever wanted to, i still had a fun night.

like i mentioned earlier, just watching all the smoke is relaxing in and of itself.  especially the people who can get creative with it.  matt can blow smoke rings, which i'm insanely jealous of.  i am still waiting for someone to bust out some gandalf level of smoke blowing.  that would make for a pretty epic night at the hookah lounge.

*the sex post might be later.  need to get a few permission slips signed first on that one

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