Sunday, November 28, 2010

darths & droids

so, as promised, this post will not be about WoW in any way, shape, or form.  but it is just as nerdy, if not more so.  without further ado, i bring you the genious that is:

 so this web comic is hilarious.  i've probably spent about 10 hours of my life reading all of the back comics.  i highly recommend you do the same.  it's star wars mashed up with d&d.*  except that star was never made.  the d&d campaign is star wars.  the comic starts with the phantom menace, or as they call it "the phantasmal malevolence."  considering that there are some pretty strange things that go on, as well some gaps in plot and logic, during the "first" three episodes, having them explained by d&d players actually makes more sense than the movies themselves at some points.  the writers realized this, and just ran with the idea.  the result is an extramly hilarious nerdgasm** of a web comic.  to start you own adventure into what is the amazingness of darths&droids, click here, and be sure to start at the begining.  it's worth it.

* if you had to click the link to know what star wars was, you fail at life.  if you had to click the link to know what d&d was, then you win at life.  if you knew what both were, congrats, you are just as nerdy as i am.

** yes melanie, i am using that word again

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