Saturday, November 27, 2010

rain, rain, go away

so i really hate the rain.  it has a tendency to turn me into an extreme hermit in the winter because most of this things i like to do (other than WoW) require things like sunlight and dry ground.  especially riding.  even if it's not raining tomorrow, i still can't ride because the arena needs about a day to dry out.  and even though my horse is blanketed, he will still have rolled, caking mud all over his face and neck, probably his legs, and there's a good chance of mud in the tail as well.  at least i like to believe it's all mud.  anyway, whatever it is, it will take me at least 30 minutes to get it off of him.  and by that time i'm too worn out from grooming to be able to ride anyway.  and i will probably need to hose off his blanket because i'm sure it's just as gross as him.  le sigh.

so getting back on track now.  since i have been stuck inside my apartment due to weather, i decided that in place of doing something useful like vacuuming or washing the dishes, i would play WoW all day.  and since the shattering already happened, there is something in game now that i have been wanting ever since i started playing.  the once class/race combo that has taken blizzard 6 years to give us.  probably the reason you will all start missing me in real life, and i will start to develop muscle problems from being in a computer chair for so long.  what might this be, you ask?  only the most amazing combo ever.  it's........

my particular hunter is named camma, after the welsh goddess of the hunt.  and with new beasts as a part of the new zones in the expansion, i have a hound dog as my pet.  and just for good measure, i added my cute little white kitten companion pet to the screen shot.  and in case anyone is wonder, i'm standing in front of the newly redone stormwind keep.  now, if you will kindly excuse me, i have forgotten the entire reason for this post and can only think about that fact that i'm 2 bars from leveling.  i'll try really hard to write a non WoW post tomorrow, but no promises. 

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