Sunday, November 7, 2010

i'm slowly getting broken

first it was the ankle.  which, even though i can walk on it, is still really sore when touched and i still don't have a full range of motion on it.  now it's my nose.  i may or may not have had an unfortunate run in between my nose and the front gate at the barn, in which the front gate may or may not have won. for the majority of you out there who have not been to my barn, when you open the front gate, you are to use a bungee cord to attach said gate to a pole mounted in the ground.  this way the gate does not swing back and smash into your car when you drive trough.  well, this does not stop the gate from swinging back just far enough to smack you in the face.  the cold metal of the top rail met with my squishy nose with a god awful cracking sound. tears instantly welled up in my eyes.  i was convinced it was broken based on the noise it had made.  but after the initial shock of being attacked by the gate, i realized i could still move my nose, and if i tried moving the bridge it stayed in place.  it's still incredibly sore, but thankfully not bruised.  based on that, i'm calling this a draw between my nose and the gate.  hopefully they will both be happy with that, and neither will seek a rematch. 

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